CyclaB: The Cyclad circular economy innovation laboratory

Project details

  • Main leader : CYCLAD
  • Type of initiative : Initiative by a public institution or similar
  • Périmètre : 17700 surgères
  • Localisation : 1 rue Julia et Maurice Marcou
  • Date de début : mai 1921

Economy circular topics

  • Extending useful service life
  • Responsible consumption
  • Industrial and regional ecology
  • Recycling
  • Eco-design
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Functional service economy

The Cyclad Mixed joint management board carries out collection, treatment and recovery of waste produced by households in Charente-Maritime.

Realising that they had reached the end of the linear economy system “produce, consume, throw away”, the elected officials of Cyclad are have been engaged for the last 10 years in actions in favour of reducing waste or reuse, in addition to recovery which is their core business. This commitment has been reinforced by a Circular Economy Objectives Contract since January 2016 and by the “Territoire Zéro Gaspillage Zéro Déchet (Zero Waste Area)” label since 2014.

This initiative, signed with more than thirty partners, has made it possible to test innovative projects such as sorting and local recycling of oyster shells, textiles, edible oils, pallets, etc.

The Cyclad elected representatives are quite clear about the importance of these projects for the dynamism of the area and are convinced of the potential that they represent in terms of economic activity. They decided to reinforce this momentum by delegating an elected representative (Anne-Sophie Descamps) and two project leaders (Alice Michaud and Thierry Galais). In order to make it more efficient, this new line of work has been named CyclaB - Cyclad's circular economy laboratory.

To achieve this, CyclaB is positioned as a project facilitator and a link between all stakeholders in the region ready to engage in a circular economy initiative.


  • Links these resources to local partners with innovative projects
  • Supports the partners in carrying out their projects: connection with other partners, advice, assistance with preparing grant applications, raising awareness (sorting, recovery, upcycling, reuse, ecodesign, etc.) and communication.
  • Contributes to the promotion of these projects to ensure renewal, durability and a positive impact on the vitality of the territory, be it economic, social, environmental or artistic.

Qualitative benefits

  • In less than a year, CyclaB has demonstrated its role of facilitator with stakeholders in the region engaged in the circular economy. Through different actions, the Cyclad joint management board is committed to this initiative and includes this new skill as part of its public action. Its ambition is clearly to promote new economic opportunities throughout the area by ridding potential resources of their waste status.
  • CyclaB enables local stakeholders to create added social, economic or cultural value from waste.
  • CyclaB enables its partners to better control their costs, particularly those related to the purchase of raw materials.

Stages of the initiative

2014: “Territoire Zéro Gaspillage Zéro Déchet” Label awarded for the 2014-2020 Cyclad joint management board project

2016: Circular Economy Objectives Contract

May 2017: creation of CyclaB

June 2017: signature of the first agreements: La Peinture a du Pot and Le Cycle de la Mobilité

July 2017: Creation of the game Douze Pieds with La Matière

July 2017: Le Tiroir est Commode in partnership with the Lycée des Pays d'Aunis and Ecomobilier

September 2017: meeting with people involved in economic development in the member inter-communal authorities

October 2017: presentation of the Douze Pieds project at VIA in Paris

December 2017: bringing aromatic herbs to turn them into essential oils

December 2017: convention for the production of tailor made dummies from recycled products (see optigede factsheet)

December 2017: UpCycling workshops for the general public in partnership with La Matière

January 2018: educational project carried out with the Lycée du Pays d'Aunis on the Douze Pieds project

February 2018: Boc-Délices: creation of biscuits based on spent grains from breweries

March 2018: organisation of the Tour de France d’Ecomobilier on CyclaB’s premises



  • Making people aware of the importance of these different actions with people in the area: it is essential to adopt an educational and pragmatic approach to develop the conception of waste and to demonstrate its commercial, social and environmental value.
  • Exploring and diagnosing potential interested parties throughout the area is time-consuming but necessary.


  • Systematic awareness raising of the waste collected by Cyclad as potential resources.
  • Concrete projects quickly put into place give good visibility and credibility to CyclaB
  • The flow of information between partners, particularly through networks (business clubs, etc.)
  • Legislative developments (treatment of bio-waste, fight against food waste, etc.) 

Areas of activity

  • Food
  • Crafts
  • Recycling


  • Metals
  • Food
  • Waste
  • Biowaste
  • Wood
  • Paper
  • Glass
  • Cardboard
  • Plastic
  • Textiles
  • Ferrous metals
  • Non-ferrous metals

Technical resources

The technical means vary according to the projects.

In general, the actions require:

  • Storage space
  • Containers
  • A vehicle

Human resources

  • Cyclad elected representative for the circular economy - Anne Sophie Descamps
  • A CyclaB materials project manager, - Thierry Galais
  • A CyclaB bio-waste project manager - Alice Michaud


- Staff: 2 full time employees − Communication: € 880
Author of the page

Thierry GALAIS

Chef de Projet



Chargée de mission économie circulaire