Recita, the Circular Economy and Innovation Network in the Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes region, was officially launched on April 5!

The circular economy opens the way to a more respectful economic model for people and resources. It calls for sustainable and local cooperation between all stakeholders in the area, as witness the numerous initiatives already undertaken at regional level by companies, local authorities and associations.

Based on this observation RECITA, the circular economy and innovation network in the Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes region, was launched on Tuesday, April 5 at Rocher de Palmer in Cenon. 

This festive event was attended by about 80 people at Rocher de Palmer and also by Nicolas Thierry, Vice-President of the Aquitaine - Limousin - Poitou-Charentes Regional Council in charge of the Environment and Biodiversity, and Pierre Calleja, President of Aquitaine Croissance Verte and CEO of Planet Forever.

Three circular economy project leaders gave a first-hand account: Valérie Fernani, Director of Api-Up and leader of the project L'Atelier au Design; Jean-François Nothias, Director of Ecoparc Bordeaux Technowest, leader of the project ZIRI; Eric Buffo, Deputy Director General of SMICVAL for the Libourne Haute-Gironde area, leader of the project Nouvel'R.

This initiative by the ALPC Regional Council is run by Aquitaine Croissance Verte in partnership with the Institut d'Economie circulaire, CIRIDD, the Poitou-Charentes Eco-Industries hub, Dreal ALPC and Ademe ALPC.

Earlier in the afternoon, two member organizations opened their doors to participants for guided tours at the heart of circular economy in the region:

  • Siniat, long-standing pioneer of the plaster industry, and leader of the Projet Aquitaine, a project to structure local collection and recycling of plaster;
  • Evolution, leader of the project Darwin Eco-système, former barracks concerted into an eco-district following the principles of circular economy.

A big thank you to all those who took part!